Monday, December 22, 2008


Below is my wish to everyone. To print out, go to http//

May You Develop

* Frequent overwhelming periods of gratitude

* A tendency to react spontaneously rather than in
reaction to fears

* An increasing tendency to go with the flow and let
things happen

* A lessening inclination to interpret the actions of others

* A decreasing involvement in conflict

* A feeling of contentment and oneness with man
and nature

* An increasing tendency to enjoy each moment

* An increase in the ability to receive love from others,
as well as the ability to give it

* A lessening of the motivation to worry

* Frequent attacks of smiling

This looks nice on the fancy papers you can buy in office stores. You can also change the font to your liking.



Saturday, December 13, 2008

Holiday Inventory

The Holidays are difficult for many - missing lost ones, anniversaries of deaths around those times, dealing with job loss/financial difficulties, not being where you want to be in life, etc. Even when life is in the groove, many of us stress over finding the "perfect gift," dealing with difficult family members, and/or being unable to afford what we would like to do for our loved ones.

For many, the Holidays are just another day, without special meaning. For Christians, it is a time to celebrate the birth of Christ. Regardless if one believes in virgin births, etc., Christmas can be a time to aim to be born anew. This does NOT mean preaching to others or evangelizing. Rather, I take it to mean to look at yourself everyday and see what you think you can do better. Are you loving enough to your family and those around you? Do you make a point to treat others better (if there is a need)? How is your patience? Do stupid things needlessly upset you?

Of course, people of other or no faith tradition can also take inventory and work on themselves. My one remaining uncle proclaims himself to be an atheist. He is one of the most decent and loving people that I have had the privilege of knowing. All of us can work on being more loving and better people. For a very humorous reminder, revisit Bill Murray in Scrooged.

Take inventory on how you treat others, including yourself. Work on having more patience with self-centered or otherwise difficult people, rather than responding to them in kind. Contact family and friends who are overdue a call, visit, card, etc. Make a decision to work on your poor habits and to begin any changes that you know you should make. Not only be kind to others, but also be kind to yourself. In doing these things, we renew and deepen ourselves and our relationships. These things also help bring meaning and enjoyment to us and those around us.


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